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Faster Technology Service (shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Nhà cung cấp đa chuyên ngành
Sản Phẩm chính: Lông mi, Lông Mi Keo, Remover, Siêu Bonder,Lash Dầu Gội Đầu
Testing instruments (8)Annual export US $735,907Sample-based customizationSupplier assessment procedures
Supreme Eyelashes Solutions
We was a brand founded in 2020. In the early days, we defined our vision as "making eyelash inoculation faster and safer for beautiful people", and we are always working towards this vision. We believe beauty comes from confidence -With confidence in our technology and products, Pinky Leem is proud to be one of the world-leading brands in the field of eyelash glue. We are committed to becoming the best glue provider for the global beauty industry. We thank every Pinky Leem customer for your support, and we are confident that Pinky Leem will be an eyelash glue brand you can trust.
Fully automatic equipment
Professional Dust-free workshop
research and development group
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